Thursday, 26 September 2019

Fixing up sentences. Number 28.

Hi everybody! It is I Jack.
This post is about my group called the Ambulance Officers. It is a writing group. Yesterday (Wednesday 25th of September 2019) my group did a fixing up sentences. My group had to take the boring sentence and make it to a kinda longer but better story.

 Here is the boring one : He was really big. People were scared. His big body walked down the street.

Here is mine: Slowly walking to a small village, there was a strong night sky black and silver metal humongous robot. All the people in the town were terrified because they could not do anything to the robot. Its name was Number 28, and we knew because it said on its arm. The robot was gigantic, but it stopped walking for some reason. When it got closer to the small town, we saw its eyes and they were as big as Richard’s car’s steering wheel. Its eyes were rose red, and it started to spin its head around like a scary horror movie. It looked like it was scanning, to see if he can see its target. After it did a whole 360 degrees spin with its head, it started stomping away from the small town. It was like he was searching for something, but it was not there.

The story was called 28 because there was I giant robot that went to a small village. It was called 28.
I hope you enjoyed this post. Thank you!
And good bye.


  1. Hello! Jack im Sulaiman from Room 24 your writing is amazing!
    I liked the idea of the robot 28 it kinda reminds me of the Iron Giant.
    Anyways that's all I have to say please checkout my blog at

    1. Hi Sulaiman. Thank you for commenting. My teacher told us to fix a sentence. The whole class did it in our writing groups. Again thank you for commenting. I will make sure to check out your blog. Blog you later.


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